Peek at DEFCON system

The way we're developing our game is spiral system. AKA: Start with something small and build up and out.

The concept is basic momentium, so long as we're putting something to paper, and getting it writen we're moving forward, and making progress. With the idea that even if we make a bad rule, we can always go back and fix things afterwards. 

So far the way we've done that is, first develop the basic One Page Rules, and  Character Templates. We then added expansion modules. The basic one page rules will eventually get developed and expanded into a proper set of rules, and the modules will be turned into complete and proper chapters.

The current system we're working on right now, is called DEFCON, and its essentially a saving throw system focus'd on the standard Tri-Foil threesome "Radiation, Diseases, and Toxins", and is rated just like the real world DEFCON rating system with 5 being OK, and 1 being Bad.

The way that DEFCON is different from the core rules is three fold.

  • When a character is exposed to a tri foil hazard, they will end up making a DEFCON to see if they affected.
  • DEFCON rolls do NOT happen right away! So immediate action like combat is not interupted by making saving throws. Instead they happen later, during slow or down time. 
  • Different Tri Foil Hazards can not be healed with Stimpacks, and are treated with different meds. Anti-Biotics for Disease, Rad-Away for Radiation, etc...
  • DEFCON rolls are just SPECIAL rolls, but they are based on DEFCON rating rather then skill level. The lower the DEFCON the worse.
  • Different Tri Foil Hazards are treated differently under the system. Extra EXPOSURE to disease does not raise VIRULENCE, but does worsen DEFCON when checking for Infection. Extra EXPOSURE to Toxins, don't worsen DEFCON, but does raise POTENCY when determining damage, etc...
  • Damage from Tri-Foils during combat is simple. Unless the character is immune to the type or Hazard, just conduct combat normally, after the fight is over, the player rolls DEFCON to see how much of the damage is from the Hazard, as opposed to regular damage. 
  • Immunity grants Damge Reduction during combat. 

With this system you don't have to stop the action making saving throws to see if the character is affected, instead its done after the action when its narratively appropriate.


Fallout Unauthorized Edition "Basic One Page Rules" 9.8 MB
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