Our current plan forward is developing them game through a series of expansions.  We got the basic concept of the game hammered out in the "One Page Rules", but these are a proof of concept and not remotely the final game. If you liked the Fallout Tv Series or one of the games and wanted to play in the Fallout setting, you can  use the One Pages Rules, for a nice easy nights play, but a lot of rules simply aren't included, or are implied simply due to space reasons. 

Instead our path forward is through a series of expansions. Each expanion will either further develop an area of the game or add a new missing elements. Once everything in that is in the ONE PAGE has expanded rules, we'll combine them all into a basic set, with full flavor and fluff.

The first Expanion is called "WANTED", and they are basic Reputation rules, and while they might not seem important at first, they are incredibly important to a proper Fallout setting, because:

  1. Reputation determines settlement reactions to a character, and there by effects their willingness to Trade a character, and what Quests they are willing to offer. As our system isn't an experience point system but a Milestone System based on completing quests. Being able to get and complete quests is vital to character development, because simply wandering around ruins will not advance your character.
  2. Advancing their Reputation gives the characters access to Factions, who control access to certain Perks, Technology, and the most advanced Quests.
  3. Reputation and Recognitiion adds flavor to the Wasteland. When the players visit a settlement, they'll see the NPCs reacting to them and their actions. Slaughter a village full of people, and loose access to your favorite bar. Rescue the mayors daughter, and find yourself a local celebrity, possibly against your wishes. By adding Reputation, not only do the players get bonus's and penalties to social rolls, but instant roleplay is baked into each new settlement.
  4. By adding the Sinner/Saint reputations, we've dipped our toe into a Morality system. Right now, when NPC's recognize who a player is, they will know worst deed, greatest deed, or both. These deeds will change as players do bigger and more important things. After each quest the GM will quiz the players and group to see if anything the player did, outshines the deeds and sins of their past. So if a Vault Dweller is known for mugging a man out of desperation, and then they go on to stealing a towns only water chip and dooming them to destruction. They're greatest sin will change, and people will start refrencing the water chip, rather then the mugging, etc...

Things added, Reputation, Recognition, Blind Rolls and Reverse Rolls.

To be hammered out in "Wanted", Social modifiers Quest/Trade access, and Sin/Deed heiarchy.

After we add those basics in the revised edition, Up next...

Waypoints, Trade, S.C.R.A.P.  and FIGHT!

Waypoints is character creation and advancement rules. Right now we added basic characters through the character templates, with Waypoints we'll give the basic rules for character creation, add the prototype character sheet, and explain the Quest system.

S.C.R.A.P. is expansion rules for foraging, hunting, trapping, looting and scavenging, along with advanced rules on durrability. These rules are all about the constant struggle to survive. With scrap players wont simply be getting rich, but looting a couple of ruins and maxing out their Caps in a single session or two, instead they will constantly be repair, modifying or replacing their gear as it degrades. The wasteland isn't about good, its about good enough. Things don't last but its filled with easy temporary replacements. The wasteland runs on SCRAP.

Trade will be both the basic gear list, and rules for trade, the market, bartering, cost of living,  and load. 

Finally FIGHT! are not only the expaned combat rules, but were we get introduce and expand on Difficulties, Reaction Rolls, Resistance Rolls and Reserving Dice. This will be the final setup for us to adding the Perk tree.

We'll do another pass through WANTED, and then start on one of the other modules. If there's something your interested in, and want to see next let us know.


"WANTED!" Advanced Rules for Reputation 1.0 85 MB
Aug 26, 2024
Fallout Unauthorized Edition "Basic One Page Rules" 13 MB
Aug 15, 2024

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